Tag Archive | femininity

20 Self Care Ideas

1. Take a hot bath.

2. Go outside and look at the stars.

3. Read a book

4. Listen to music

5. Create something. Art is therapeutic

6. Call a friend. Or text. But it can be especially nice to hear a voice.

7. Exercise

8. Study Scripture

9. Pray

10. Get your nails done

11. Get a facial or do a home facial.

12. Visit a museum

13. Play a game. Sometimes I play Pac-Man on my phone.

14. Take a nap. If you have little ones nap when they nap or put something on for them to watch and doze on the sofa.

15. Dance

16. Write in a journal

17. Take a walk

18. Go shopping for something you like. It doesn’t have to be expensive.

19. Watch a movie you love

20. Say no to what is requested of you from time to time to relax. You are not required to say yes constantly to everything people ask you to do.

Stepping Back From the News

I hate stress and love the soft life. Current events stress me out badly because I can see so much wrong being done, and I can’t fix it. What will be will be. I can’t control the world. I will vote and make a difference where I can, but losing sleep over it just leaves me high strung and exhausted. Things are bad in the West right now. Both my nation and my nation’s allies are under attack, and the enemy is coming from the inside. But the Bible says a godly woman laughs with no fear of the future. I can’t do that as long as I pay too much attention to the news. Jesus is coming back. That’s all I should worry about. Having a child is scary these days though. As leftists lie and extort their way to the top, it’s hard to envision a good future for my daughter. That scares me. But praying and voting are really the only two things I can do.

When my husband comes home, I want to be calm and serene, not upset or concerned or angry. News media is psychologically taxing these days. I honestly don’t know what scarier, the news outlets that lie or the ones who are telling the truth. It’s all pretty horrifying. I can only hope men will be men and stand up for what’s right.

I have dinner ready for my husband when he gets home. I’m washing towels. I did dishes. But mostly I am resting today. My chest and head and ears and eyes hurt. I’m tired. I need to get my mind off the things I can’t control, like an open border and a traitor president, and onto things I can, like reading my TBR books and making my home cozy for my family.

Creativity, Love

I feel so free when I collage, so very me when I write poems. My job is to be a homemaker, and I truly love that. But I have a deep passion for poetry and art. I’m so grateful that being at home gives me time to be creative.

Bored is a word I don’t know. My mind is always busy. I try not to eat the bread of idleness. I really love my life and all the good people in it. My husband is a wonderful man. My daughter is a joy. My friends mean the world to me. And creating makes me feel so alive. I love throwing down color with wild abandon, adding glitter to life itself, and photographing everything. It feels good to use my hands, though they get sore sometimes.

I love the time I get for extracurriculars. Everyone should have something they love that they do regularly. I have been paper quilling, collaging, embroidering, reading, and writing today. It’s a Sunday, and my husband just got home from the other side of the world, so he slept most of the day. I had the house picked up before he came home, so I was mostly able to relax today. Tomorrow it’s back to work! I found some more podcasts I like listening to, so I look forward to listening while I work.

I really love my traditional life. I love greeting my husband at the door with a kiss and having dinner ready for him when he gets home. I adore dresses and skirts and frilly things. Sparkles, silk, and velvet speak my language. I like being soft and making my home feel nice. I’m not a perfect homemaker, but I do my best. I feel so tranquil at home, and yet so full of “new sharp fire.” (thank you, HD). Home is my favorite place to be. The homemaking life is a really happy life. I’m grateful to God and my husband for it.

It has been a lovely day. Things have been hard lately because of Bipolar, but I think maybe things are looking up soon.

Embracing Motherhood

Motherhood gets a bad rap in the media, and that’s largely because of the way that some mothers talk about it. Before I had my daughter, the picture I had of motherhood was grim. I was told becoming a mother would strip me of my identity. I was told I would never again have time to read a book or do something I enjoy. I was told my marriage would deteriorate.

None of this turned out to be true. Not even close. But can we be surprised young women are deciding against motherhood when young women are seeing posts from moms crying or saying that they don’t have any sense of identity?

So many mothers on social media make the best job in the world look absolutely awful. I’m not suggesting we lie about the difficulties of motherhood, but if you love your children, you know that there is much more joy than frustration or sorrow in parenting. If you don’t have a sense of identity, it’s not because you’re a parent. I became more truly myself when I became a mother. It rubbed away my rough edges. It gave me purpose. Becoming a mother made me learn to steward my time wisely. I became who I was meant to be because of motherhood. I’m not saying all women are called to motherhood, but most are. Don’t blame your kids for your weak sense of identity.

Let’s show pictures of playing board games with our kids, or reading when they nap, or pursuing our hobbies with them rather than in spite of them. Let’s encourage our daughters to become mothers themselves.

Radical, Sweet Softness

I have decided to embrace a radical softness. I want to be serene, gentle, and sweet. No more harboring anger or getting stressed out or being impatient.

Obviously I don’t mean the feminist form of radical softness. I don’t believe in toxic masculinity for starters, and furthermore, this is all about femininity.

I want to express my emotions honestly. Crying sucks, and I cry a lot during sad movies. I’m tired of being ashamed of that and trying to hide it. I’m a woman. I cry easily. That shouldn’t bother anybody. I will let the tears flow.

I will not hold grudges. I’ve been working on this for a long time. It’s a difficult subject because the flesh wants to hold grudges, and I have had a lot of anger to deal with stemming from my childhood. But I am giving it all to God as best as I can, and the goal is to be free of anger completely.

Occasionally, I raise my voice. From now on, I don’t want to do that. I want to speak softly and walk through the world softly. The old quote is “walk softly and carry a big stick.” I will walk softly, and my husband can weild the big stick. No pun intended. I don’t mind civil debates, but I will not argue with people. Peace is so beautiful, and I want all the peace I can get. I also want to be my man’s peace. How can I be a source of peace for my husband if I am not peaceful and at peace myself? My soul gets restless, but now I want to bask only in contentment.

Patience is a virtue everyone should try to achieve, and I want to be as patient as possible. Whether I’m driving, dealing with the government, or working with my child, I want to personify patience.

My 2024 goal (the big, overarching one) is to embrace softness and femininity. The goal is to just be radically at peace. In the end, everything is in God’s hand anyway. It’s time to let go of stress and worry. It’s time to stop pretending to be made of steel when inside, I am a prairie of wildflowers. I want to be free. So I am going to embrace radical softness until my being is an embodiment of it.