Archive | January 2024

Zines I Want to Write

Lately I have been obsessed with zines. Zines, if you don’t know, are small hand-made magazines. Often political, they can also be informational, autobiographical, literary, or filled with visual art.

I want to make several zines if I can figure out how to get them out there where people can read. Zine subject ideas include:

-cephalopod intelligence

-autobiographical piece on how I came to submission and headcovering

-biographies and interviews with every color of the rainbow


-photography zine

-collage zine


-Canids. Dogs, foxes, wolves etc. I am crazy about all of them.

I’m a little unusual for a zine maker because I am so far right, and typically, zines are for very leftist people. You’ll find zines on why late-term abortion is great or why we need to move to communism etc. But the truth is that real counter culturalism these days is being a wife and a mother. Everybody’s telling you to be a boss babe and a card-carrying member of some communist or socialist party, sometimes disguised as some environmentalism push. Everyone is pushing a leftist social justice warrior narrative, and I’m over here saying things like “obey your husband” and “take responsibility for your own actions.”

I found a youtube channel I love with tons of information on zines. The creator is brattyxbre or something like that. Her videos are wonderful.

As I come up with more ideas, I’ll record them.

My Planner!

I am back to using a planner again. I’m using one that was custom designed for me several years ago by an Etsy shop owner who has since closed. It isn’t completely perfect for me now. Because I could use more space in the homeschooling columns for next year, and I want the cleaning section to be even bigger, but I can work with the home school section I have and the cleaning section does have plenty of lines to write in extra tasks.

And of course it is in a Lisa Frank Binder!

This planner used to keep me on track for both my homemaking and creative goals. I am so excited.

Radical, Sweet Softness

I have decided to embrace a radical softness. I want to be serene, gentle, and sweet. No more harboring anger or getting stressed out or being impatient.

Obviously I don’t mean the feminist form of radical softness. I don’t believe in toxic masculinity for starters, and furthermore, this is all about femininity.

I want to express my emotions honestly. Crying sucks, and I cry a lot during sad movies. I’m tired of being ashamed of that and trying to hide it. I’m a woman. I cry easily. That shouldn’t bother anybody. I will let the tears flow.

I will not hold grudges. I’ve been working on this for a long time. It’s a difficult subject because the flesh wants to hold grudges, and I have had a lot of anger to deal with stemming from my childhood. But I am giving it all to God as best as I can, and the goal is to be free of anger completely.

Occasionally, I raise my voice. From now on, I don’t want to do that. I want to speak softly and walk through the world softly. The old quote is “walk softly and carry a big stick.” I will walk softly, and my husband can weild the big stick. No pun intended. I don’t mind civil debates, but I will not argue with people. Peace is so beautiful, and I want all the peace I can get. I also want to be my man’s peace. How can I be a source of peace for my husband if I am not peaceful and at peace myself? My soul gets restless, but now I want to bask only in contentment.

Patience is a virtue everyone should try to achieve, and I want to be as patient as possible. Whether I’m driving, dealing with the government, or working with my child, I want to personify patience.

My 2024 goal (the big, overarching one) is to embrace softness and femininity. The goal is to just be radically at peace. In the end, everything is in God’s hand anyway. It’s time to let go of stress and worry. It’s time to stop pretending to be made of steel when inside, I am a prairie of wildflowers. I want to be free. So I am going to embrace radical softness until my being is an embodiment of it.

The Body Positive Movement is Wrong

I don’t support it anymore. It went from telling people to be nice to fat people, to lying and saying you can be 400 pounds and be healthy.

In the beginning, I thought it was silly but nice. I grew up with a mother who was very mean about and to fat people, so a movement encouraging people not to discriminate against fat people and to be kind to them seemed great. Especially since I had lost the ability to walk much (even traversing Walmart hurts, and the walks I used to take every day became out of the question) and was gaining weight. Additionally, my psychiatric drugs were causing weight gain side effects. Basically, I was gaining weight quickly. Thus, a movement that says that all bodies are beautiful was a balm to my soul.

But honestly, first of all, it’s not about how you look. It’s about how long you’re going to live. Being fat can greatly shorten a person’s lifespan, and that’s a tragedy. And for most people it is an avoidable tragedy. You should love your body at any size because it does good things for you. Plus it’s a gift from God to even beyond this Earth. But the most loving thing you can do for your body is take care of it. Right now, I’m dealing with some stuff. I’m in the middle of a weight loss process. I’ve lost a lot of weight but I still have a fair bit to go. I am determined and counting calories daily.

I didn’t need to hear fat acceptance messages. That’s not helpful. Being overweight can cause serious health problems. And while it’s true that because of the medications I’m on and because I have somewhat limited mobility, I may never look like somebody on the cover of Cosmo, I can be thinner than I am, and I should aim for that goal.

But the really bad side effects of the movement isn’t affecting people like me who have weight to lose but aren’t shockingly big. The people the movement is really hurting are those who are 300 pounds plus. Many of the Body Positive influencers I followed years ago are dead now. One of them was something like 7 or 800 pounds. She seemed like a nice person, but she embraced her weight because of this movement for far too long and in the end, it was too late for her. She tried to make healthy changes and lose weight, but the damage had already been done to her body. It’s very sad.

No, society doesn’t need to be cruel to fat people, and no, you shouldn’t judge fat people. Everybody has their sin. Some are just more visibly obvious than others. But to tell people that you can be healthy and weigh that much is just wrong. It is leading people down a bad path. You cannot be 300 pounds and healthy. You cannot be 250 pounds and healthy. If you’re an average height and build type of woman, you cannot be 200 pounds and be healthy. We need to stop lying to people. People are dying.

I used to follow Tess what’s her name too a little bit. She has caught so much flack from her former body positive community for going on a diet she needs to go on for her health. People are being downright vitriolic at her personal decision to lose weight. It’s absolutely insane. That said, she promoted that unhealthy lifestyle and made a lot of money doing it. I think it’s great she’s on a diet now and trying to turn her life around. But she should at least acknowledge the damage she did to others when there were many young women who may have put more effort into losing weight and saving their health if she hadn’t marketed obesity as being healthy. If she hadn’t pushed all that fat is beautiful and healthy at every size stuff there are probably people who are dead now who would still be living if they hadn’t listened to her. At the end of the day, everyone is responsible for their actions, but influencers know they have an effect on some people and on society as a whole. That’s why they’re called influencers. So you should influence responsibly. Some things in this world are a matter of opinion or preference, but your opinion doesn’t matter when it comes to your heart health. No matter how beautiful you might think you look or how much you hate dieting or how many times these activists say that you are healthy, you are cruising for a heart attack or other complications if you stay obese.

I think the Body Positive movement is crumbling, and I think that’s a good thing. I don’t want to go back to the way things used to be where we promoted anorexia everywhere. Let’s praise healthy, normal bodies. But lying to people doesn’t do them any favors. Sometimes, you do have to put down the fork. People should take charge of their health the best they can, and they should accept responsibility for what they put in their mouths. No one is naturally 500 pounds. And to be fair, no one is naturally my weight, either. Like I said, between limited mobility and very heavy psych medications, I may never be as slim as I used to be or as slim as some other people are. But I absolutely bear some of the blame for my weight because not all of the weight can be attributed to the pills or the injury. Sometimes I pick up a spoon when I should do something else. I take full responsibility for that. I’m glad the body positive movement is crumbling, though it makes me sad that it took the deaths of so many young women (and some men) for that to start happening.


I have decided to home school my daughter next year. Right now, she’s in a school that’s really great and we like it, so she’s going to continue until we move. But once we move later this year homeschooling will begin. So far I am enjoying planning our homeschool year. I am adding books to my Amazon cart that I think will be great for teaching her.

So far I know we are going to do a marine science unit and go to the aquarium for the field trip. I already have the books I need. We will do a chemistry unit as well.

In general, here are the subjects I plan to teach so far.








-music appreciation


That is just to start. I told my daughter today that we will be homeschooling next year, and she got so excited that she started hugging me and saying thank you. I am adding subjects and units as I research. I’m looking forward to spending more time with my daughter. It will be nice to be with her all day vs sending her away to school 8 hours a day. Parents should be the principal influence on their children, and that is hard to do when you send them to school every day.

I’m hoping to get her involved in a co-op as well for some social activity. Hopefully she’ll have neighborhood friends too.

Home Vs Career

I just want to gush for a minute about how happy I am at home. I am so glad I don’t have to go to work. Thank God my husband is a good provider, and I can stay in my home where I feel most comfortable and enjoy being. I get to be with my dogs and my stuff all day. No one tells me what to do or annoys me. I don’t have to push paperwork. I don’t have to help customers. It’s awesome.

Career women baffle me because I can not for the life of me understand why anyone would rather sit in an office all day than be in their own home. Sometimes feminists get really angry with me, and they go off about how we should encourage our daughters and young girls in general, to have careers. Yikes on bikes people. One day, my daughter will be grown, and she will make her own choices. If she wants a career she can do that. I hope that’s not the decision she makes, but I’m not going to stop her. But to encourage her to do something that I frankly think sucks makes no sense to me. I have worked. I did not enjoy it.

I enjoy working around the house. But that’s different. The things I do are acts of love that directly benefit my family and make our home a cozier place. And plus I enjoy the environment so much that even if I disliked housework, I would prefer to be at home.

I used to want to be a professor, and I was very upset that funded grad schools were out of reach once I got married. But as I stayed home, I realized that I would rather be there. Poetry is still important to me, but I can read it voraciously and write it prodigiously from the comfort of my studio or living room. I sometimes miss the community feedback on my writing. Criticism is always helpful, and while my husband is always willing to read my work and provide commentary, by his own admission, he’s not a very poetic person, and poetry is not his thing. He doesn’t get deep in the nitty gritty, and I need that. For that reason I am looking for beta readers for the book I’m working on. But I still have no regrets about losing the chance to work in academia. It isn’t publish or perish for me. I can write what I want when I want to, and whether or not I publish it is up to me. I haven’t even been interested in publishing the past several years. After my chapbook got published, I quit. Now I’m getting back into it, but I’ve decided to go the self-publishing route because it’s cheaper and easier than entering dozens of poetry contests.

Being at home makes me feel safe and happy. The most interaction I really feel the need to have with the world is to maybe go shopping once in a while or, of course, running errands that need to be run. Or I enjoy hanging out with friends for a couple of hours. I have zero interest in spending 8 to 12 hours a day with people who aren’t family.

I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to stay home. I don’t give a darn about having a career. I would encourage any woman to explore the trad lifestyle.

Cleaning Schedule

I am thinking of creating a more solid cleaning schedule. As it stands, I just do things as I can when they need to be done – like picking up before my husband gets home, cooking dinner, or mopping floors. But a schedule might help me keep the house extra clean and inspire me to be productive even when I am really not doing well.

I have found an app that does this called Sweepy, but some of the functions I want are only on the paid version and I am not sure yet if it is worth it. Are there any good free cleaning apps? I don’t know yet.

I want to clean more than just my house, though. I want a pure mind and heart. To that end I will be praying and studying scripture more.

Collage Art in Color

I love collage art, and I watch a lot of collage content on Youtube. A couple of things catch my eye. One is that every popular collage artist I come across or collage artists on lists of accomplished artists has in common is doing paper collage. I am the only one I know doing digital collage the same way others do paper collage. I spend hours going through thousands of photographs, tech manuals, diaries, novels, screen shots, paintings, etc and cutting them up in Photoshop. I’m sure I’m not the only one doing what I do, but I’m the only one I have come across who is doing what I’m trying to do.

Secondly, my addiction to color is not the norm in the world of collage. Many are black and white or have very muted colors. The ones that have bright colors tend to be from the Pop Art era or trying to evoke that. I understand that a lot of people who do paper collage use retro images and historical images because there’s no copyright on them. But they lack color so often! I don’t like that retro look in my art. I want a modern look. I want color in many shades and tints. I don’t want to be limited to the thoughts and ideas of people from the 50s. Give me loud, screaming, real color.

Collage is so therapeutic. Looking at these images and documents makes my heart sing. Cutting them out is relaxing. I have shared a few of my simple collages below.

Collage mixed with abstract painting
I left this one simple.

Public Vs Private

Today on Instagram I wrote about how masculine the public sphere is. From work to politics, public life is filled with conflict. Fighting through that conflict is masculine.

I prefer the gentle, serene, and feminine. I have a fiery personality sometimes, but I like to stay at home and be at peace. I’m not saying I never go out without my husband. But I prefer to go with him. He lowers my stress and handles interaction for me when I am tired of it.

Once upon a time, even in Europe, women did not go out on the street alone the way they do today. I’m glad to be able to go to stores or friends’ houses whenever I please, regardless of whether or not my husband is available to accompany me. But I can see why women used to stay at home. The world is stressful and dangerous. It feels much safer to go out with your man.

Sometimes, when my husband does the talking, I just sit back and enjoy listening. As long as I’m with my husband, the battles are not mine to fight. I enjoy knowing I don’t have to speak if I don’t want to. He protects my peace.

Politics and work are not good places for women. We need to be peaceful. We belong at home.

20 Key Phrases

If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

Here are a few ideas.

1. If you vote Democrat, you are not following Christ. You can not be a Democrat and a Christian.

2. Only Christians go to Heaven. All others burn.

3. Temu and Shein use slave labor. Be a true American, and refuse to buy from the enemy.

4. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him.

5. Drunk driving destroys.

6. Feminism is societal cancer.

7. Good girls clean and cook for their man. 😉

8. You can’t have a democracy without free speech for people you don’t like.

9. Art is therapeutic. Make art today!

10. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done…Jesus loves you!

11. Abortion is ALWAYS wrong. It kills an innocent child.

11. Star Wars Episodes 1,2, and 3 are the only good Star Wars movies!

12. Cosleeping with infants is dangerous.

13. Call your friends and tell them you love them. You never know when it will be too late.

14. You can not be fat and healthy.

15. January 6 was not an insurrection.

16. If you don’t believe in free speech for people you hate, you don’t believe in it at all.

17. God is watching you.

18. Keep going. Tomorrow is another day.

19. Dogs belong inside with their families. Don’t keep them outside lonely.

20. Married men and women should not make friends with the opposite sex. Affair proof your marriage!