Archive | November 2023

Housewives Should Be Beautiful

If you are a woman, in particular a stay at home wife or girlfriend, you should be as beautiful as you can. Every girl has different assets to work with. Put your best foot forward. Even on a day you are staying home and cleaning all day, you should look feminine and well put together. We can’t all look like models (I certainly don’t) but putting on a pretty dress or a hair bow is doable for almost any girl.

Homemakers should dress nicely and wear makeup/jewelry/perfume (if their husband likes those things) for a few reasons.

1. It helps stave off depression. I can’t explain it, but getting myself together in the morning is helpful. If you are alone all day, depression is a risk. By putting your hair up and putting on some lipstick, you can improve your mood. It brings women down when they look slovenly.

2. It helps you work harder. When you get up and get ready for the day just like a person going to an office job, it gets your blood pumping and gives you a little dose of work ethic to work that much harder on the house. After all, homemaking is an important job. When you take a job seriously, you tend to work harder at it.

3. Your man who provides for you deserves to have something good to look at when he comes home. Ask yourself this. If you went around when you were single looking the way you do now, would your husband have still asked you out? Hopefully the answer is yes, but if it isn’t, then it’s time to take a look in the mirror and see what can be improved.

4. Being frumpy makes it look like you don’t respect your man or yourself. How you dress and carry yourself tells the world a lot about you. If you dress like you have no pride, the world will respect you less. It isn’t fair that looks are often used to judge people, but it’s common, and we should realize that it reflects poorly upon us AND our husbands when we don’t look our best. Sick days are different, but on a healthy day, you should look good enough that you are willing to be in pictures.

5. Homemakers are often looked down upon in Western society. Why feed into that image by looking crappy? We have the best job in the world. We should dress like it.

For the First Time in About a Decade…

I am not wearing a dress! I haven’t gone back to wearing pants. Instead I am wearing a skirt! New look. I still believe (personal conviction) that women should not wear pants with the exception of wearing them under their dresses when it’s cold. So you won’t see me in jeans or running around in leggings with my butt showing. But I wanted a fresh look for my husband, so I bought a black (fake) leather skirt and a pretty purple top. I am waiting for more skirts and tops to come in the mail.

Having something around my waist is a weird feeling. But I’m happy.

I am looking for some new music. I confess that most of my music is worldly. Not all worldly music is bad. I don’t plan to get rid of it all. Ideally, though, I’d like some Christian music. I’m not sure what’s out there or how to find it. For now, I will explore Youtube. But I want electronic, gothic, rock, alternative, dance, pop, and more. Good music with Christ honoring lyrics would be so nice.

Husbands Are Commanded to Love Their Wives

A husband should love his wife like Christ loved the Church and be willing to lay his life down for her. But love isn’t just who you die for. It’s who you live for.

Men with unhappy wives should ask themselves whether the decisions they make benefit the whole family, or only him. Do you put your wife’s needs first when deciding where to live? When building a budget? When choosing friends?

A good wife is an obedient wife, but a good husband is a selfless husband. The Bible commands women to obey their husbands whether they are selfless or not, but men will be judged on how well they lead their wife and kids. If a man makes self serving decisions, Jesus knows.

What about punishment and correction? As Christ demands obedience from the Church, a husband can demand his wife’s obedience and punish her if she does not obey. But if a man punishes his wife out of anger, that can lead to abuse. It is certainly a sign of spiritual immaturity. A punishment should be conducted lovingly, without wrath, and with patience.

Men are commanded to love their wives just as strictly as women are commanded to obey their husbands. When a husband loves and a wife obeys, that is a beautiful thing. Living according to God’s design will always be beautiful. When the wife obeys but the husband does not love, it is just as bad as when the husband loves, but the wife does not obey.

Abstract Photography

I bought a new camera app, and since then, I have been playing with light painting and extended exposure. I’ve gotten some interesting results I wanted to share here.

Means of Production

Creativity makes me feel so alive. I am so thankful for this wonderful at home life my husband gives me that allows me to be so creative.

Lovely Day!

This morning, my husband took our daughter to swimming and let me sleep in. Then we went to the local library and got library cards! I didn’t have anything in particular in mind when I walked in, but I walked out with 8 books! From embroidery to biography to sociology, the books span many subjects. I have an exciting week if reading ahead. The book I am starting with is “These Fevered Days: Ten Pivotal Moments in the Making of Emily Dickinson.”

After that, my husband surprised me with lunch at a Mexican restaurant we had never been to. I got cheese enchiladas. They were delicious! For dessert, we went to the ice cream shop.

It was such a lovely afternoon following a lovely birthday and delicious Thanksgiving.

My daughter got a couple of books, and since she and I both have new books to read, and my husband has a test to study for, I think we will have a quiet, thoughtful afternoon.

Company, Tablecloth, Rosary

After picking up the groceries this morning, I invited one of my friends over for a morning of reality tv. It’s fun to make fun of it all. We had a lovely morning, but I had to cut it short due to anxiety. I really hate it when that happens.

Since then, I have been cleaning and painting. I listen to youtube while I clean the dishes. Now I’m taking the tablecloth off the living room table to wash it. I try to do that regularly to clean the dust out of it. I really want a new tablecloth now, though, so I don’t know if I will put this one back on or not. I want a different color, or maybe a floral pattern. Now that Bed, Bath, and Beyond is gone, I need to find other sources of tablecloths.

New element of home decor in the living room. I have a gorgeous rosary made with rainbow Swarovski crystal beads, and I have hung it on the window. When the light hits it in the evening, it sparkles in every color. I like to keep beautiful objects of faith in the house. My husband often brings me back beautiful crosses and other wonderful things from Central and South America. He’s so amazing. He’s the best husband imaginable.

Done Worrying About My Diet, At Least for Now

I’ve been hyper focused on dieting for the past couple of months. I’m chubby and trying to look svelte. Being sexy arm candy for my husband is important to me.

But I’ve been talking to him and have come to find out he doesn’t want me to look like I did when we met. He thought I was “too pointy.” He likes “soft,” and has zero objection to my weight, and wouldn’t even mind if I was heavier. All the pressure I feel to get thin again isn’t coming from him. It’s coming from society, other women, and the media. It’s my inner competition I feel with other women.

Being attractive to your husband is important. I believe that. But some men like chubby or fat the same way some like tall or short or blonde or brunette. If I look like the standard cultural definition of sexiness, that isn’t my husband’s idea of sexiness. In fact, when I’ve lost weight in the past he told me I was too skinny and to stop. I still need to eat healthy things and exercise just for my health, but I don’t need to be slim to turn my husband on. Quite the contrary. My man likes the squishiness I can provide.

I have always wanted to be someone he could show off at parties, but he already shows me off like I’m the hottest woman in the room. He treats me like a queen. He supports me in dieting if that’s what I want, but it’s not what he wants. I want to please him, and truthfully I hate dieting. I think I’m not going to do it anymore.

Looking hot for your man is a must, but ask him what he thinks is hot. For some men, that might mean very slim. For some it means average. Some men are happy no matter what their wives weigh, and focus on other things. Still, others are all about curves, as much curve as they can get. Focus on what your individual husband wants. Don’t make assumptions. Listen to him. You belong to him. My man likes extra curve. That makes me happy, because so do I.

Working on Modesty and Purity of Heart

My husband doesn’t like me to wear revealing clothes and wants me to have a modest look. Some husbands like to show their wives off, but my husband takes more of the stance that I am his, and no other guys should see anything. In a way, I really like this. I don’t have to feel on display to strange men like I did when I was younger and single. The truth was that sometimes I didn’t like my revealing clothes because I felt like I was on display and I could feel guys that weren’t nice leering at me. Of course, I wanted to attract a man to marry, but I wasn’t taking the right approach at the time because I wasn’t dressing the way the kind of man I was looking for would want to see his future wife dressed. Luckily my husband accepted me for who I was at the time, but then encouraged me to be more modest after we married. So in a sense, dressing modestly can be very freeing.

But of course, I am a sinner and struggle with the flesh. I am prideful, especially as I lose weight, and I want men and women to notice if I look good. But that isn’t humble. Or pure. I need to do better for the Lord and my husband.

Bows will still be used as headcovers at certain times in certain places, but I’m going to start wearing my veils more. They are a firmer reminder that I belong to God and my husband, and some styles of veil cover low-cut necklines. They remind me to submit.

If I Could Live Absolutely Anywhere..

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

If I could go anywhere to live, it would be Colorado Springs, CO, or near there. I want a beautiful home with a view of Pikes Peak in the back and a view of the sweeping prairie from the front. I used to have such a house. Then we had to move for the military. But if I could live anywhere, that’s where I’d be. Hopefully I get to go back when my husband retires from the military.

New Art Journal Pages

I am a digital art journaling maniac tonight. Combining cutouts, art journaling paper from Etsy, personal pictures, text etc is lighting my mind on fire. It feels so good. Thank God for art therapy. It really is so helpful.

I constantly feel creative. I am so thankful for my husband letting me stay home and create.