Housework Inspiration

Today is my first day back to regular life. I have been cleaning, caring for the dogs, and doing laundry. Soon I have to take the car to the dealership because of an oil leak. I’m hoping the repair won’t be expensive

I would like to paint, read, and write, but the house must get done first. Here’s how I motivate myself to do housework when I’m tired and in a bad mood.

1. Put on music

2. Put on podcast

3. Reward myself for a job well done

4. Imagine giving an account of my day to my husband, who I am at home to serve and support. Would he consider my day well spent with what I’ve done so far?

5. Pray. Praying sometimes helps with motivation. Ask God for help with motivation, work ethic, and prioritizing.

6. Read homemaking blogs for encouragement.

7. Clean with friends. Set a timer and clean an agreed upon area. Having a friend working with you, even if they aren’t physically beside you, can give you an extra push to do a great job.

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